Owners' Profiles
Owners' Profiles
Seminole Strength and Conditioning is owned and operated by Jeremy and Shelly Hoornstra who have both been in the Fitness Industry for many years as well as both Firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians.
Jeremy Hoornstra-
Jeremy is sponsored by Maximum Human Performances ("MHP") and is a multiple All-Time World Record Holder athlete having traveled all over the world to compete. Some of his records include:
• All-time World Record in the 242 lb weight class with a 672 lb Benchpress
• All-time World Record in the 275 lb weight class with a 675 lb Benchpress
• Highest All-time Pound for Pound Benchpress ever.
Shelly Hoornstra-
Shelly has competed in both Powerlifting and NPC bikini competitions across the country. She has been certified in personal training for many years and has trained many clients one-on-one as well as run bootcamp classes. She currently runs a horse rescue and trains both horses and riders to compete in rodeo competitons.